Trezor Hardware Wallet

Elevate your crypto security game with Trezor Hardware Wallet. Unhackable, user-friendly, and your key to complete control over your digital wealth.

Trezor One overview

The Trezor One by SatoshiLabs paved the way for the ever-growing hardware wallet industry. Launched in 2014, the original vaulting solution for cryptocurrency continues to be widely used today – in spite of the appearance of more modern alternatives.

For users that like to balance security with usability, the Trezor One’s small form factor and compatibility with a handful of desktop, browser, and mobile wallets make it a reliable everyday crypto wallet.

The web interface allows users to manage, send, and receive thousands of coins and tokens or to sign and verify messages. It doesn’t yet support multisig or native SegWit for Bitcoin transactions, but the Trezor One can be used with Electrum to get around these limitations.

When connecting the wallet to another device, users must enter their PIN to unlock it. The numbers are mapped to a grid on the Trezor, but masked on the other device’s screen. The device must be used in conjunction with the wallet for the user to input their PIN. This ensures that the computer, even if compromised, can’t gather any information from the wallet.

Nonetheless, because the Trezor One is more dependent on a secondary device for operations, it generates a 24-word seed phrase for greater security. Still, seeds of different lengths can be recovered on the device.

Another nice addition is the Trezor One’s usability as a password manager.

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